Come Visit US!
Welcome to Christ Church, the Episcopal Church in Austin, Minnesota!
At Christ Church we worship in the tradition of the Episcopal Church. A tradition that is both ancient and relevant for today. We are a faith community centered in Christ and rooted in Word and Sacrament.
Whether you have visited before or are checking in for the first time, we hope this site will give you a taste of what Christ Church is. Be sure to check back as dates and events tend to change often.
If you are just beginning to explore faith, coming back after being away, seeking a deeper experience of God, or simply looking for a way to make a difference, you will fit in at Christ Church.
We believe that God is transforming lives at Christ Church. Come and see for yourself. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, our heart and our door is open to you. We would love to meet you!
Fr. John​
life events
Life is full of beginnings and endings. In the church we often meet these beginnings and endings with prayer and sacrament. We believe God is present in all things; present in joy, in sorrow, in celebration, and even present in catastrophe. God is present as love and understanding and so at these times we invite God into the moment and remind ourselves that we are not alone.
Baptism for the church is the ultimate beginning. Most often baptism takes place early in life but young people and even adults are baptized as well. Baptism is our invitation into life in Christ and our initiation into the life of the church.
Confirmation is a rite that invites a person to instruction in the faith and membership in the church. Typically, confirmation begins for young people around the age of 14, however many adults have also been confirmed in their faith and received into the Episcopal Church.
Marriage is the joining of two people together in a common life of love and support. We consider marriage a sacrament. Marriage is a rite that invites two people to exchange vows committing themselves to one another before God and others.
Death and Burial
End of life is difficult. The funeral Rite of the church brings closure to this difficult time for family and friends. We believe it can be an affirmation of the mercy and love of God in the midst of a shock and sorrow.

If you are interested in baptism, confirmation, marriage, or need support with a funeral please contact Fr. John or one of the other Team members at Christ Church.
If you are interested in renting our space for a wedding or other event, please contact the Christ Church office.